Wolf-Peter Schill

Welcome to my personal homepage. I’m an energy economist at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), where I lead the research area “Transformation of the Energy Economy” in the Department “Energy, Transportation, Environment”. I initiated the development and many applications of the open-source energy model DIETER. I also developed the OpenEnergyTracker (together with Alexander Roth) and the DIW Berlin Ampel-Monitor Energiewende. I’ve been a member of the National Platform Future of Mobility (AG2), different working groups of the academy project ESYS, the Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions, and the Australian-German Energy Transition Hub. And I’m a co-host of the (German) energy transition podcast fossilfrei.

The main reason for maintaining this page is to provide legal open access versions of my peer-reviewed journal articles. If you are interested in my other publications (discussion papers, DIW Wochenberichte / Weekly Reports, Vierteljahrshefte, book chapters, project reports, etc.), my research projects, or my CV, please visit my institutional homepage at DIW Berlin. You may also find additional material on Scopus, REpEc, ResearchGate or Google Scholar. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please write me an email. I’ve left Twitter, but you can find me on LinkedIn, Mastodon or BlueSky.

Economics of (grid-scale) electricity storage

Roth, A., Schill, W.-P. (2023): Geographical balancing of wind power decreases storage needs in a 100% renewable European power sector. iScience 26, 107074. published open access version

López Prol, J., Schill, W.-P. (2021): The Economics of Variable Renewables and Electricity Storage. Annual Review of Resource Economics 13(1), 443-467. arXiv preprint | published version (free e-print full text)

Schill, W.-P. (2020): Electricity storage and the renewable energy transition. Joule 4(10), 2059-2064. published version

Zerrahn, A., Schill, W.-P., Kemfert, C. (2018): On the economics of electrical storage for variable renewable energy sources. European Economic Review 108, 259-279. arXiv preprint | published version

Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A. (2018): Long-run power storage requirements for high shares of renewables: results and sensitivities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 83, 156-171. open access | published version
Please note: this article contains an updated version of the calculations presented in the second part of our DIW Discussion Paper 1457 “A Greenfield Model to Evaluate Long-Run Power Storage Requirements for High Shares of Renewables”.

Zerrahn, A., Schill, W.-P. (2017): Long-run power storage requirements for high shares of renewables: review and a new model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79, 1518-1534. open access | published version
Please note: in addition to the review, this article contains an extended version of the model description presented in the first part of our DIW Discussion Paper 1457 “A Greenfield Model to Evaluate Long-Run Power Storage Requirements for High Shares of Renewables”.

Egerer, J., Schill, W.-P. (2014): Power system transformation toward renewables: Investment scenarios for Germany. Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 3(2), 29-43. author copy | published version

Schill, W.-P. (2014): Residual Load, Renewable Surplus Generation and Storage Requirements in Germany. Energy Policy 73, 65-79. full text | published version

Schill, W.-P., Kemfert, C. (2011): Modeling Strategic Electricity Storage: The Case of Pumped Hydro Storage in Germany. The Energy Journal 32(3), 59-87. full text | published version

Solar prosumage

Günther, C., Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A. (2021): Prosumage of solar electricity: tariff design, capacity investments, and power sector effects. Energy Policy 152, 112168. published open access article

Say, K., Schill, W.-P., John, M. (2020): Degrees of displacement: The impact of household PV battery prosumage on utility generation and storage. Applied Energy 276, 115466. arXiv preprint | published version

Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A., Kunz, F. (2017): Prosumage of solar electricity: pros, cons, and the system perspective. Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 6(1), 7-31. open access | published version (free download)

Green hydrogen

Kirchem, D., Schill, W.-P. (2023): Power sector effects of green hydrogen production in Germany. Energy Policy 182, 113738. published open access version

Stöckl, F., Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A. (2021): Optimal supply chains and power sector benefits of green hydrogen. Scientific Reports 11, 14191. arXiv preprint | published open access version

Power system interactions of electric vehicles

Guéret, A., Schill, W.-P., Gaete-Morales, C. (2024): Not flexible enough? Impacts of electric carsharing on a power sector with variable renewables. Under review. arXiv preprint

Gaete-Morales, C., Jöhrens, J., Heining, F., Schill, W.-P. (2024): Power sector effects of alternative options for de-fossilizing heavy-duty vehicles—Go electric, and charge smartly. Cell Reports Sustainability 1, 100123. arXiv preprint | published open access version

Creutzig, F., Schmaus, A., Ayaragarnchanakul, E., Becker, S., Falchetta, G., Hu, J., Goletz, M., Guéret, A., Nagel, K., Schild, J., Schill, W.-P., Schlenther, T., Molkenthin, N. (2024): Shared pooled mobility: expert review from nine disciplines and implications for an emerging transdisciplinary research agenda. Environmental Research Letters 19, 053004. published open access article

Gaete-Morales, C., Kramer, H., Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A. (2021): An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy. Scientific Data 8, 152. arXiv preprint | published open access version

Schill, W.-P., Niemeyer, M., Zerrahn, A., Diekmann, J. (2016): Bereitstellung von Regelleistung durch Elektrofahrzeuge: Modellrechnungen für Deutschland im Jahr 2035. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 40 (2), 73-87. open access | published version

Schill, W.-P., Gerbaulet, C. (2015): Power System Impacts of Electric Vehicles in Germany: Charging with Coal or Renewables. Applied Energy 156, 185-196. full text | published version

Schill, W.-P. (2011): Electric Vehicles in Imperfect Electricity Markets: the Case of Germany. Energy Policy 39(10), 6178-6189. full text | published version


Roth, A., Kirchem, D., Gaete-Morales, C., Schill, W.-P. (2024): Flexible heat pumps: must-have or nice to have in a power sector with renewables? Under review. arXiv preprint

Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A. (2020): Flexible electricity use for heating in markets with renewable energy. Applied Energy 266, 114571. published open access version

Bloess, A., Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A. (2018): Power-to-heat for renewable energy integration: A review of technologies, modeling approaches, and flexibility potentials. Applied Energy 212, 1611–1626. published open access version

Electricity market/sector modeling and design

Gong, C.C., Ueckerdt, F., Pietzcker, R., Odenweller, A., Schill, W.-P., Kittel, M., Luderer, G. (2023): Bidirectional coupling of the long-term integrated assessment model REgional Model of INvestments and Development (REMIND) v3.0.0 with the hourly power sector model Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool with Endogenous Renewables (DIETER) v1.0.2. Geoscientific Model Development 16(17), 4977-5033. published open access version

Kittel, M., Schill, W.-P. (2022): Renewable Energy Targets and Unintended Storage Cycling: Implications for Energy Modeling. iScience 25(4), 104002. published open access version

Gils, H.C., Gardian, H., Kittel, M., Schill, W.-P., Murmann, A., Launer, J., Gaumnitz, F., van Ouwerkerk, J., Mikurda, J., Torralba-Díaz, L. (2022): Model-related outcome differences in power system models with sector coupling—Quantification and drivers. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 159, 112177. published open access version

van Ouwerkerk, J., Gils, H.C., Gardian, H., Kittel, M., Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A., Murmann, A., Launer, J., Torralba-Díaz, L., Bußar, C. (2022): Impacts of power sector model features on optimal capacity expansion: A comparative study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157, 112004. published open access version

Gils, H.C., Gardian, H., Kittel, M., Schill, W.-P., Zerrahn, A., Murmann, A., Launer, J., Fehler, A., Gaumnitz, F., van Ouwerkerk, J., Bußar, C., Mikurda, J., Torralba-Díaz, L., Janßen, T., Krüger, C. (2022): Modeling flexibility in energy systems — comparison of power sector models based on simplified test cases. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 158, 111995. published open access version

Schill, W.-P., Pahle, M., Gambardella, C. (2017): Start-up costs of thermal power plants in markets with increasing shares of variable renewable generation. Nature Energy 2, 17050. full text | free view-only version | published version | Supplementary Information | Model code and input data

Pahle, M., Schill, W.-P., Gambardella, C., Tietjen, O. (2016): Renewable Energy Support, Negative Prices, and Real-time Pricing. The Energy Journal 37 (SI3), 147-169. open access | published version

Neuhoff, K., Diekmann, J., Kunz, F., Rüster, S., Schill, W.-P., Schwenen, S. (2016): A Coordinated Strategic Reserve to Safeguard the European Energy Transition. Utilities Policy 41, 252-263. full text | published version

Demand-side flexibility

Gambardella, C., Pahle, M., Schill, W.-P. (2020): Do Benefits from Dynamic Tariffing Rise? Welfare Effects of Real-Time Retail Pricing Under Carbon Taxation and Variable Renewable Electricity Supply. Environmental and Resource Economics 75, 183-213. open-access published version

Zerrahn, A., Schill, W.-P. (2015): On the representation of demand-side management in power system models. Energy 84, 840-845. full text | published version

Network regulation

Egerer, J., Rosellón, J., Schill, W.-P. (2015): Power System Transformation toward Renewables: An Evaluation of Regulatory Approaches for Network Expansion. The Energy Journal 36(4), 105-128. full text | published version

Schill, W.-P., Rosellón, J., Egerer, J. (2015): Testing Regulatory Regimes for Power Transmission Expansion with Fluctuating Demand and Wind Generation. Journal of Regulatory Economics 47, 1-28. full text | published version

Renewable energy drought events

Kittel, M., Schill, W.-P. (2024): Measuring the Dunkelflaute: How (not) to analyze variable renewable energy shortage. Environmental Research: Energy 1, 035007. published open access article

Ohlendorf, N., Schill, W.-P. (2020): Frequency and duration of low-wind-power events in Germany. Environmental Research Letters 15(8), 084045. published open-access version

Open energy modeling and open energy data

Gaete-Morales, C., Kittel, M., Roth, A., Schill, W.-P. (2021): DIETERpy: a Python framework for The Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool with Endogenous Renewables. SoftwareX 15, 100784. arXiv preprint | published open-access version

Wiese, F., Schlecht, I., Bunke, W.-D., Gerbaulet, C., Hirth, L., Jahn, M., Kunz, F., Lorenz, C., Mühlenpfordt, J., Reimann, J., Schill, W.-P. (2019): Open Power System Data – Frictionless data for electricity system modelling. Applied Energy 236, 401-409. open access | published version

Other research on energy and climate policy issues

Blazejczak, J., Braun, F.G., Edler, D., Schill, W.-P. (2014): Economic effects of renewable energy expansion: A model-based analysis for Germany. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 40, 1070-1080. full text | published version

Pahle, M., Fan, L., Schill, W.-P. (2011): How Emission Certificate Allocations Distort Fossil Investments: The German Example. Energy Policy 39(4), 1975-1987. open access | published version

Waste electric and electronic equipment

Rotter, V.S., Chancerel, P., Schill, W.-P. (2011): Practicalities of Individual Producer Responsibility under the WEEE directive: Experiences in Germany. Waste Management and Research 29(9), 931-944. full text | published version